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Grants management doesn’t need to be complicated

Grant Management Doesn't Need To Be Complicated

Learn how to simplify your grants management process and save more time so you can focus on the big stuff With all of the paperwork, accountability, and document retention that already comes with grant-making, why are we making our jobs more difficult by having multitudes of programs and lengthy grant applications? Not only is this […]

Custom Reports

During or after the cycle of your grant program opportunity, you will likely want to aggregate your applicant data into reports. GO Smart offers several options for creating reports.  One option is to create a custom report that includes all of the data from any portion of your grant opportunity. If you report to the […]

Prep Your Panel

If you need additional assistance with any of the steps above, see the individual tutorials below: User Editor – Create Panelists Panels – Create Panels Grant Manager – Assign Applications to a Panel

User Editor – Create Panelists

Create your panelist user accounts from the User Editor. Panelists login at admin.gosmart.org.  Upon logging in, panelists will view their panel portal, not the admin portal. Be sure to follow the steps below during creation to ensure that you are designating appropriate users as panelists and not grant administrators. Navigate to the Administration tab > User Editor […]

Panels – Create Panels

From the GO Smart Panel Editor tab, you can create panels for a cycle any time after the cycle has been created. You can create multiple panels per cycle, each with custom instructions, settings, and multiple criteria that can be scored and commented on separately. Criteria titles and text can be customized and you can […]

Grant Manager – Assign Applications to a Panel

After you have created your panel(s), you must assign your applications. Navigate to the Grant Manager > Grant Manager dashboard. Select the Program and Cycle you would like to work on. Scroll to the Applications list. Click the Add/Edit Columns button. The Table Editor modal will open. Check the Panel Assignment box and click the […]

Grant Manager Dashboard – Manage Applications and Review Applicant Data

How to Use the Grant Manager Dashboard This tutorial will teach you how to manage applications, review applicant data, search and filter the dashboard, add tags to applications and add applicants to panels. The Grant Manager Dashboard is a powerful tool used to manage your applications as they come in. With robust search and filter […]

Mass Mailer – Email All Applicants in a Status

If you need to immediately email all applicants in one or several statuses, use the Mass Mailer tool. Navigate to the Grant Manager tab > Mass Mailer subtab. Select your program and cycle from the drop-down menu. Check the status(es) of applicants to whom you want to send a message. Click Select. The Email Editor […]

Email an Individual Applicant

If you need to email an individual applicant, you have several options. You can: Navigate to the Applicant tab > Applicant Search subtab. Search for the applicant using any field. Click the email in the search results and your email server will open. Navigate to the Grant Manager > Grant Manager Dashboard. Select the program […]

Panelist Report

After (or while) you have conducted the panel for your cycle, you can create a robust report that includes both simple and comprehensive breakdowns of your panelists’ scores and comments. Navigate to the Reports tab > Panelist Report. Select the Program, Cycle, and Panel for which you would like to build a Panelist Report. Select […]

Create a Panel Book

A Panel Book is a single document that contains all selected applications. These books are ideal for offline review of all applications assigned to a panel or within a certain status. Admin can determine which applications will be included by selecting a  status or group of statuses when creating the panel book. Admin can follow […]

NEA and Locations Reports

GO Smart allows you to generate reports that are designed specifically to address NEA/NASAA grant requirements. In order to use these reports to their fullest extent, you will want to be familiar with the NEA Question Page and the Activity Locations Page.  If you included the NEA template in one or multiple forms of the […]


A program in GO Smart is one grant opportunity offered by your agency. Programs are offered on a cyclical basis (annually, biannually, quarterly, rolling, or other) and are distinguished by a unique application form. Programs created on the Grant Editor > Programs subtab act as folders for the program cycles and additional flex forms you […]

Profile Editor – Customize Your Applicant’s Profile Registration Form

CUSTOMIZE PROFILE You can customize some questions of your applicant’s registration form.  Some customization will occur when you and a member of the GO Smart team set up your site.  Be sure to ask about the enhanced profile which allows your applicants to set themselves as an individual or organization and to respond to the […]

Status Mailer – Create Auto-Generated Emails

Once you have completed building your cycle, you may want to create auto-generated emails that will be sent to your applicants based on their statuses. The most common of these is a confirmation email that will go to applicants after they submit their application; however, you can create emails that will automatically be sent when […]