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API – Beta Testing

Hello! Thank you so much for offering to do some Beta testing of using your GO Smart API key with Zapier.  Your experiences will help us shape how you can use your GO Smart data in the future! Follow the directions below to get in and start making some Zaps! Navigate to zapier.com and create […]

API – Connect Your GO Smart Data

What is an API? Why should you use it? GO Smart Grants

When you use an online grant management system like GO Smart, you are probably collecting hundreds of data points. This digitized data can translate into countless uses for you: email lists, media folders, CRM files and on and on. These uses can become automated workflows by incorporating a program’s API (application programming interface). GO Smart […]

Intent to Apply

An Intent to Apply page is used most frequently to give grant admin the opportunity to review pre-application data and determine if an applicant should move forward. An Intent to Apply can also be used to gather information that should not be visible to a panelist. You can only include one Intent to Apply page […]

Custom Reports

During or after the cycle of your grant program opportunity, you will likely want to aggregate your applicant data into reports. GO Smart offers several options for creating reports.  One option is to create a custom report that includes all of the data from any portion of your grant opportunity. If you report to the […]

Panelist Report

After (or while) you have conducted the panel for your cycle, you can create a robust report that includes both simple and comprehensive breakdowns of your panelists’ scores and comments. Navigate to the Reports tab > Panelist Report. Select the Program, Cycle, and Panel for which you would like to build a Panelist Report. Select […]

NEA and Locations Reports

GO Smart allows you to generate reports that are designed specifically to address NEA/NASAA grant requirements. In order to use these reports to their fullest extent, you will want to be familiar with the NEA Question Page and the Activity Locations Page.  If you included the NEA template in one or multiple forms of the […]

Program Cycles – Understanding the Fields

Review the descriptions below to better understand the functionality of each field and determine all the ways you and your applicants may interact with the cycle. CONFIGURE CYCLES APPLICANT ACCESS DATES ADDITIONAL TEXT CLONE TOOLS CONFIGURE CYCLES The first tab of the program cycles editor is the Configure Cycle tab where you will create primary […]

Cycle Pages – Page Types

While you are creating the forms of your grant opportunities, consider the types of pages you will add to each. Hover over the page types below to learn more about all of your page options. INTENT TO APPLY Best for: Intent to Apply Letter of Intent Eligibility Survey INTENT TO APPLY Learn more here. CUSTOM NARRATIVE Best […]

Interim and Final Reports

After offering your application form and funding your grantees, you may want to invite applicants back to the system to complete interim or final reports. Create these reports by doing the following: Navigate to the Grant Editor tab > Cycle Pages subtab. Select your program and cycle from the drop-down menus at the top of […]

Convert Attachment URL to Links in Custom Reports

If you have requested attachments from applicants using the File Upload field on a custom narrative page, you will see that this attachment’s URL is part of a custom report when that page is included. The URL is not currently clickable because it is in the same cell with the file title and sits within […]

Allow Applicants to Submit or Resubmit an Application After the Deadline

After your application deadline has passed, you will likely receive a couple of applicant requests to submit, or modify and resubmit, their applications. Rather than changing the deadline date, which would allow every applicant to apply and submit an application after the deadline, you can simply change the status of selected application(s) to “Exception.” Doing […]

Use GO Smart’s API

We have recently added API capabilities to GO Smart! So what does this mean for you? Well let’s start with a definition. WHAT IS AN API? In the simplest terms, an API (application programming interface) is a bridge that can automatically export digital data or files from one application in to another. WHY SHOULD YOU […]

Panel Rounds

Easily administer panel rounds when you need to move applications through multiple steps of judging. Begin with your larger pool of applications, then score, comment, and move qualified applications to the next round when ready. See the steps below for creating and assigning panels for rounds in GO Smart: Create panel(s) for round 1. Assign […]

Link Panelists to External Instructions

Though GO Smart affords you many areas to offer information to your panelists, you may find that you’d like to create an external document or rubric to which you will link panelists.  The instructions section allows up to 500 characters of instruction, but it is also an ideal place to link to one or multiple […]

Testing and Previewing Your New Cycle

If you are a newer admin user of GO Smart or you have created a new program and cycle, we recommend that you access and review it as an applicant would before inviting them to apply.  This helps you to better understand what your applicants will experience and will better position you to answer questions […]