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When you use an online grant management system like GO Smart, you are probably collecting hundreds of data points. This digitized data can translate into countless uses for you: email lists, media folders, CRM files and on and on. These uses can become automated workflows by incorporating a program’s API (application programming interface). GO Smart now has an API that is available to you and the results can be astounding.  

Read on to learn more about what an API is and how using ours with your GO Smart data could be a game changer!

What is an API? Application Programming Interface A tool that allows for automatic transfer of data from one program to one or more applications or programs. Digital building blocks which combine to create amazing experiences that make jobs easier and more convenient! Why use an API? Automate actions that can take your valuable grant data and make it work for you in the background. Take functionality of one system (GO Smart) and make it part of another.
What is an API? Why use an API?

Some of the ways you could use GO Smart's API right now! Update your email lists. Import Contact Information. Store applicant's submitted data

Some of the ways you might user our API in the future: Receive notifications as grantees take action; Backup your data in real time; Create a contract

Comment below and tell us what other programs and workflows you would use.

Want to learn more? Click here for information on how GO Smart can help you simplify your grants.