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After your application deadline has passed, you will likely receive a couple of applicant requests to submit, or modify and resubmit, their applications. Rather than changing the deadline date, which would allow every applicant to apply and submit an application after the deadline, you can simply change the status of selected application(s) to “Exception.” Doing so will give only those applicants the access required to modify and/or submit an application after the deadline.

If the applicant has already accessed the application cycle, you will want to do the following:

  1. Log in to admin.gosmart.org with your admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Grant Manager > Grant Manager Dashboard.
  3. Select the Program and Cycle associated with the application.
  4. Use the search and filter tools to locate the application that you want to make accessible. 
  5. Change the application’s status to Exception.
  6. Click Update at the bottom of the page to save the status change.
  7. Invite the applicant to access the application in their Current Programs & Applications tab, then resubmit.
  8. The status of the application will  change to Received after the applicant resubmits.


If you’d like to to move multiple applicants to the Exception status, click the checkbox for their applications in the Select All column. If you’d like to do all currently viewed applicants, check the box next to the Select All text. Click the Mass Update button and modal will open to makes changes to all of the selected applications. 

Select the Status Change option. Select the Exception status from the dropdown. Once selected, click the Update button and the selected applications will be moved to the Exception status.


If the applicant has not accessed the application cycle and is asking to be permitted to begin and submit an application after the deadline, you will need to do the following:

  1. Log in at admin.gosmart.org with your admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Applicants > Applicant Search sub tab and locate the user in your system (if they’ve not yet registered, they must do that first).
  3. Click the Login button so that you are logged in as the applicant.
  4. In your admin window, navigate to the Grant Editor > Program Cycles sub tab, and select the Program and Cycle associated with the application.
  5. Click on the Applicant Access & Dates tab.
  6. Set the Application deadline to a date/time in the future and click Save Changes.
  7. Toggle to the tab where you’re logged in as the applicant.
  8. Refresh the Current Programs & Applications tab.
  9. Locate the Cycle and click START.
  10. Toggle back to your admin tab and reset the deadline date and time to the past.
  11. Navigate to your Grant Manager dashboard, locate the user in the application list and change their status to Exception.
  12. At this point, that user will be able to complete and submit their application from their portal within the Current Programs & Applications tab.


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