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After offering your application form and funding your grantees, you may want to invite applicants back to the system to complete interim or final reports. Create these reports by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to the Grant Editor tab > Cycle Pages subtab.
  2. Select your program and cycle from the drop-down menus at the top of the window.
  3. Scroll to the Add New Page tool.
  4. Select the appropriate checkbox for Interim or Final Report, located to the right of Add New Page.
  5. Select your page(s) as you did for the application.
  6. If you are using templates or tables that were used in the application page set, you will have the opportunity to clone the applicant’s data into the report by checking the Pre-populate box and/or using the Link To drop-down menu.
    1. If you want to add a column to an Interim/Final report table that was created in the application, you will need to edit the table form in the application.
  7. You will see the Interim pages appear in yellow; the Final Report pages appear in green.
  8. Edit the pages as you did on the application.
  9. Navigate to the Grant Editor > Program Cycles > Applicant Access & Dates tab and select Yes for Offer Interim Report and/or Offer Final Report.
    1. Set an appropriate Open and Deadline date for each. Applicants can only access and submit the form within these dates unless you change their status.

Interim and Final Report forms are available to applicants when

  1. their status is Funded (if there is no interim report) or the Interim Report Approved status (if there is an interim report), and
  2. You have navigated to Grant Editor > Program Cycles > Applicant Access & Dates and set the “Offer Interim/Final Report” drop down menu(s) to Yes and you ensure the Open and Deadline dates are appropriate for the report.

If you are utilizing both an Interim and Final Report and your dates and deadlines are appropriate, the statuses will work as follows:

  • Funded – allows applicants to access the Interim Report but not the Final Report, allows applicant to access a submitted Interim Report
  • Interim Report Received – applicant has submitted the Interim Report, it becomes read only, they can’t access any forms
  • Interim Report Approved – applicant can access the Final Report
  • Final Report Received – applicant has submitted the Final Report, it becomes read only, they can’t access any forms
  • Final Report Exception – allows applicant to access a submitted Final Report

If you are ONLY utilizing a Final Report and your dates and deadlines are appropriate, the statuses will work as follows:

  • Funded – allows applicants to access the Final Report
  • Final Report Received – applicant has submitted the Final Report, it becomes read only, they can’t access any forms
  • Final Report Exception – allows applicant to access a submitted Final Report

Status Mailers

Remember that you can create a status mailer for any of these statuses as well. As you may have for the Received status, create a status mailer for Interim Report Received and/or Final Report Received and set yourself as a bcc recipient to be notified when an applicant submits either of these forms.

Mass Mailers

Utilize a mass mailer to remind and direct applicants to return to the system to complete their Interim or Final reports.