Launch Additional Programs
You can use these steps of creating your first program to create all additional programs from scratch. Alternatively, after creating one cycle of a program, you can use that cycle content to create the first cycle of a similar program. Creating a new program this way will clone the details and settings of the Program Cycles […]
Launch Your Grant Cycle
After you have set up your site with a member of the GO Smart team, you will likely be eager to launch your first grant. Navigate to the Grant Editor tab to do the following: Create and modify the names of your programs from Programs. Manage the logistics and settings from the Program Cycles Editor. […]
Be Nice to Your Applicants

Here’s Why You Should Make Things Easier on Them—and Yourself! We all know that having a positive reputation among applicant pools is essential. It can help to ensure that you attract the best applicants to your grants. But do you know what your applicants really think about your application process? Looking at the workflow from […]
Launch Additional Cycles
After offering your initial cycle of a program, you will likely need to prepare for your next cycle (aka, the next offering of your grant opportunity). Navigate to the Grant Editor tab and follow the steps below to simply clone the previous cycle of that program to create your new cycle. Creating a new cycle will clone the details and settings of the Program […]
GO Smart Statuses
GO Smart Statuses Admin will manage the progress of an applicant’s cycle activity by using the statuses on the Grant Manager dashboard. Some statuses occur automatically based on applicants’ actions from their Current Programs & Applications page. Other statuses must be manually selected by an admin in order to determine the progress of the application. Admin […]
Intent to Apply
An Intent to Apply page is used most frequently to give grant admin the opportunity to review pre-application data and determine if an applicant should move forward. An Intent to Apply can also be used to gather information that should not be visible to a panelist. You can only include one Intent to Apply page […]
Panels – Create Panels
From the GO Smart Panel Editor tab, you can create panels for a cycle any time after the cycle has been created. You can create multiple panels per cycle, each with custom instructions, settings, and multiple criteria that can be scored and commented on separately. Criteria titles and text can be customized and you can […]
Grant Manager – Assign Applications to a Panel
After you have created your panel(s), you must assign your applications. Navigate to the Grant Manager > Grant Manager dashboard. Select the Program and Cycle you would like to work on. Scroll to the Applications list. Use the drop-down menu in the Panel column to select the appropriate panel for each applicant. Applications must be […]
Grant Manager Dashboard – Manage Applications and Review Applicant Data
Create a Panel Book
A Panel Book is a single document that contains all selected applications. These books are ideal for offline review of all applications assigned to a panel or within a certain status. Admin can determine which applications will be included by selecting a status or group of statuses when creating the panel book. Admin can follow […]
A program in GO Smart is one grant opportunity offered by your agency. Programs are offered on a cyclical basis (annually, biannually, quarterly, rolling, or other) and are distinguished by a unique application form. Programs created on the Grant Editor > Programs subtab act as folders for the program cycles and additional flex forms you […]
Program Cycles
A program cycle is a singular offering of a program (grant opportunity). Cycles are made up of any or all of the following elements: Intent to Apply Unique Application Form Flexible Form – Invoice, Activity Form, etc (these are created as separate cycles but can be coordinated with the initial cycle) Interim Report Final Report […]
Cycle Pages – Forms, Pages, and Questions
Once you have created the logistics for a cycle using the Program Cycles editor, you will need to add pages to your cycle that will be grouped into forms. The cycle must include an Application form and it may also include optional Intent to Apply, Interim Report, and/or Final Report forms. You may also create […]
Cycle Pages – Add Questions and Information to a Custom Narrative Page or Intent to Apply
You will need to add one or more Custom Narrative pages to your form in order to ask questions and gather narrative data from your applicants. Questions need to be added to a custom narrative page before it will be visible to your applicants. Learn more about the other page types you can add to a […]
Interim and Final Reports
After offering your application form and funding your grantees, you may want to invite applicants back to the system to complete interim or final reports. Create these reports by doing the following: Navigate to the Grant Editor tab > Cycle Pages subtab. Select your program and cycle from the drop-down menus at the top of […]