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Supporting Community Vision with Intuitive Grant Management

Admin will manage the progress of an applicant’s cycle activity by using the statuses on the Grant Manager dashboard. Some statuses occur automatically based on applicants’ actions from their Current Programs & Applications page. Other statuses must be manually selected by an admin in order to determine the progress of the application.
Admin will only see statuses on the Grant Manager dashboard applicable to their agency’s settings and cycle’s settings. Admin will not see Intent to Apply, Interim Report, or Final Report statuses if they are not applicable.
Screenshot of the applications by status table with the Intent to Apply, Interim Report, and Final Report statuses inaccessible.
If you want to review your cycle’s settings, please visit the Grant Editor tab and Program Cycles subtab and view the Applicant Access & Dates. This will indicate whether or not an Intent to Apply, Interim Report, or Final Report is active. If you have any questions about your agency’s site settings, please contact the GO Smart Help Desk team.
An application’s current status will be visible to applicants when they review their Current Programs & Applications tab. See below how an applicant will see their application # and current status.
Note that though you can manually assign any status you wish, the system expects an appropriate workflow to be followed. For example, your cycle may include an Intent to Apply, Interim or Final Report. You must first set an applicant to Intent to Apply Approved (if your Intent settings include the need for approval) before setting a cycle status to In Progress. You must first set an applicant to Received before Funded in order to allow the applicant to view the Interim or Final report.
Learn below about the statuses and how they can be used. See a visual description of a typical status workflow here. Finally, read about the ways that dates and deadlines interact with your statuses here.

Table of Contents


The Intent to Apply page appears in purple on your Grant Editor > Cycle Pages tab. Intents to Apply are optional. You may not see these statuses on your Grant Manager dashboard if you have the Intent to Apply feature turned off.

Intent to Apply Started

The Applicant has clicked “START Intent to Apply”.  If the admin has not created an Intent to Apply for this cycle, the applicant will start with the In Progress status (see below).

Intent to Apply Received

The Applicant has submitted the Intent to Apply. The Intent to Apply is read-only after submitted.  Admin must change status to Intent to Apply Started to allow applicant to access, modify, and resubmit the Intent to Apply after submission.

Intent to Apply Approved 

The admin must select this status to allow the applicant to access, complete, and submit the Application if admin set their Intent to Apply to require approval. If no approval is necessary, this status is moot and applicant can move onto application after submitting Intent to Apply.

Intent to Apply Declined 

The admin selects this optional status to keep the applicant from accessing the Application. Selecting this status may not be necessary, as the applicant cannot access the application without approval, but it is helpful to select this status as a label so the applicant knows they were not approved.


Application pages appear in peach on your Grant Editor > Cycle Pages tab.

In Progress

The applicant has begun the Application. The applicant can continue to save and access In Progress application forms during the open application dates of the cycle.

Draft Review

The applicant has requested a review of their draft Application submission. Admin can opt out of Draft Review on the Grant Editor > Program Cycles Editor.

Draft Review Complete 

The admin selects this status to indicate they have completed a review of the draft Application. Admin will contact applicant outside of GO Smart to provide suggestions and edits.


The applicant has submitted their Application. The application is read-only in this status.


The admin selects this status to allow the applicant to access, modify, and resubmit a submitted Application before the deadline.


The admin selects this status to allow the applicant to access, modify, and resubmit a submitted Application after the deadline.


The admin selects this optional label if the applicant has let them know they do not intend to complete the process. Application process ceases and the application is read-only in this status.


The admin selects this optional label if the applicant should not be allowed to complete the process due to ineligibility. Application process ceases and the application is read-only in this status.


The admin selects this status if the decision regarding this Application is pending. This is an ideal status as a ‘holding position’ or if your workflow requires a status not available in GO Smart. The application is read-only in this status.


The admin selects this status if the applicant’s application has been Approved. The application is read-only in this status.


The admin should select this status once the Application has been selected for funding.  The admin must select this status in order for the applicant to access the Interim Report – or the Final Report if no Interim Report exists. The application is read-only in this status.


The admin selects this optional label if the applicant’s Application has been declined. Application process ceases and the application is read-only in this status.


Interim Report pages appear in yellow on your Grant Editor > Cycle Pages tab.  Interim Reports are optional. You may not see these statuses on your Grant Manager dashboard if you have the Interim Report feature turned off.

Interim Report Received 

The applicant has submitted their Interim Report. Admin must change status to Funded if applicant needs to modify.

Interim Report Approved

The admin selects this status to approve the Interim Report and allow the applicant to access the Final Report.


Final Report pages appear in green on your Grant Editor > Cycle Pages tab.  Final Reports are optional.

Final Report Received 

The applicant has submitted their Final Report.

Final Report Exception

The admin selects this status to allow the applicant to access, modify, and resubmit a submitted Final Report, regardless of the deadline.



Note that while statuses allow the admin complete control over the progress of the applicant’s cycle activity, the dates and deadlines set on the Program Cycles > Applicant Access & Dates editor also play a role in when and how an applicant can access page sets* of an Active/Shown cycle.
* Forms (aka page sets) are Intents to Apply, Applications, Interim Reports, Final Reports and/or Flex Page Sets. Cycle status is made active on the Grant Editor > Program Cycles tab
**If an applicant meets all other requirements, they can access any Active/Shown cycle’s page set for which the accept date is in the past and the deadline date is in the future.
***If an applicant has already accessed the form but the deadline is in the past, the admin can use a number of statuses to give the applicant access to the page set.

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