Launch Additional Programs
You can use these steps of creating your first program to create all additional programs from scratch. Alternatively, after creating one cycle of a program, you can use that cycle content to create the first cycle of a similar program. Creating a new program this way will clone the details and settings of the Program Cycles […]
Launch Your Grant Cycle
After you have set up your site with a member of the GO Smart team, you will likely be eager to launch your first grant. Navigate to the Grant Editor tab to do the following: Create and modify the names of your programs from Programs. Manage the logistics and settings from the Program Cycles Editor. […]
Be Nice to Your Applicants

Here’s Why You Should Make Things Easier on Them—and Yourself! We all know that having a positive reputation among applicant pools is essential. It can help to ensure that you attract the best applicants to your grants. But do you know what your applicants really think about your application process? Looking at the workflow from […]
The Power of the Panel

The GO team is sharing four helpful tips to help you utilize the power of the panel to keep your grants management process effective and efficient. Just like standards for grant applications, panel processes can vary widely from organization to organization. Although customization for your specific needs can be great, oftentimes processes just get complicated […]
Before You Make That Pitch for Cloud-Based Grants Management, Start Here!

Let’s face it: We could all use a little more money. And a lot more time. For nonprofits in particular, this is nothing new. But making the case for adopting cloud-based grants management systems can be challenging when you need the buy-in of those who may not instantly understand how such an investment will improve […]
Launch Additional Cycles
After offering your initial cycle of a program, you will likely need to prepare for your next cycle (aka, the next offering of your grant opportunity). Navigate to the Grant Editor tab and follow the steps below to simply clone the previous cycle of that program to create your new cycle. Creating a new cycle will clone the details and settings of the Program […]
Media Library Selection Page Suggested Info/Instruction Language
Like all pages in GO Smart, the Media Library Selection page includes an Info/Instruction text field where you can include custom language. While you can direct your applicants on how to use the Media Library Selection page in whatever way you prefer, we have created some template language you might find helpful. This dynamic page […]
Launch Your Grant Cycle
Prepare and launch your grant cycle by following the steps below. Learn more about these elements here: Programs Program Cycles (for logistics and to make the cycle available to users) Application Pages
GO Smart Statuses
GO Smart Statuses Admin will manage the progress of an applicant’s cycle activity by using the statuses on the Grant Manager dashboard. Some statuses occur automatically based on applicants’ actions from their Current Programs & Applications page. Other statuses must be manually selected by an admin in order to determine the progress of the application. Admin […]
Prep Your Applicant Portal
Prepare your applicant’s grant portal by following the steps below. You can always update these settings at any time, but ensure a positive experience for your applicants by paying attention to these items before directing them to your GO Smart site. Learn more about these elements here: Home Message Branding Profile Editor Media Library Module […]
Intent to Apply
An Intent to Apply page is used most frequently to give grant admin the opportunity to review pre-application data and determine if an applicant should move forward. An Intent to Apply can also be used to gather information that should not be visible to a panelist. You can only include one Intent to Apply page […]
Program Cycles – Understanding the Fields
Review the descriptions below to better understand the functionality of each field and determine all the ways you and your applicants may interact with the cycle. CONFIGURE CYCLES APPLICANT ACCESS DATES ADDITIONAL TEXT CLONE TOOLS CONFIGURE CYCLES The first tab of the program cycles editor is the Configure Cycle tab where you will create primary […]