GO Smart logo

Home Message – Craft the Welcome Language for Your Homepage

You should create an appropriate message that will greet visitors to your applicant site. Before they log in, visitors will see your logo–but not much else. Be sure to provide enough information to ensure that visitors know where they are and what they should do next. Log in at admin.gosmart.org. Click the Front End Manager […]

Branding – Logo

AGENCY LOGO Navigate to Front End Manager > Agency Editor. Scroll to the Branding section. Click the gray Update button (or Upload button, if you’ve not yet uploaded a logo) located just below “Agency Logo”. Select the logo from your files (we recommend using a PNG file). Click the blue Update button at the bottom […]

Profile Editor – Customize Your Applicant’s Profile Registration Form

CUSTOMIZE PROFILE You can customize some questions of your applicant’s registration form.  Some customization will occur when you and a member of the GO Smart team set up your site.  Be sure to ask about the enhanced profile which allows your applicants to set themselves as an individual or organization and to respond to the […]

Media Library Module – Setting Up Your Applicants’ Media Library

GO Smart allows you to request media from your applicants in two very distinct ways. One way requires our Media Library Module tools, discussed further below. The other option utilizes File Upload fields and/or Text fields on a Custom Narrative page. Learn more about adding these question types to a grant cycle here or see […]