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User Editor – Create and Edit Administrative Users

You can add additional administrative users to your site at Administration > User Editor. These admin users will have access to the backend of your GO Smart site, but you will be able to manage which admin tabs they can access. Existing users can be searched using the User drop-down menu. Typing the first letter […]

Cycle Pages – Forms, Pages, and Questions

Once you have created the logistics for a cycle using the Program Cycles editor, you will need to add pages to your cycle that will be grouped into forms. The cycle must include an Application form and it may also include optional Intent to Apply, Interim Report, and/or Final Report forms. You may also create […]

Profile Editor – Customize Your Applicant’s Profile Registration Form

CUSTOMIZE PROFILE You can customize some questions of your applicant’s registration form.  Some customization will occur when you and a member of the GO Smart team set up your site.  Be sure to ask about the enhanced profile which allows your applicants to set themselves as an individual or organization and to respond to the […]