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Over the last year, the GO Smart team has continued to streamline the cloud-based collection and management of application data for clients and strives to be the most inclusive, accessible, and equitable grants management solution for the arts and beyond.

With that, we’re excited to share that GO Smart has been selected as the universal application provider for the Equity Pilot Initiative, also known as ArtsHERE, a national pilot program funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and conducted in partnership with five fellow Regional Arts Organizations: WESTAF, Mid-America Arts Alliance, Mid-Atlantic Arts, South Arts, Arts Midwest, and New England Foundation for the Arts

ArtsHERE will fund and support cultural organizations prioritizing community-driven change within rather than “for” communities. The program will also promote equal access to the arts and address participation in historically underserved communities to ensure that all Americans can live “artful lives.”

We’re delighted to participate in this initiative and are committed to streamlining the grants management process for all. We look forward to seizing the opportunities that lie ahead and continuing to make a positive impact in the communities we serve. 

If you or your organization is interested in applying for ArtsHERE, subscribe to our quarterly newsletter and follow us on social media for more updates! 

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